Santa Claus

Be sure to check what was the name of Father Frost in different countries visit the Residence Santa cold on the Internet. Here are examples of how people called by the name of Santa Claus in their own languages in the various republics and countries at all continents. The article noted several possible answers to the question what was the name of Father of cold in different countries from a fresh poll in the community of New Year's Eve in St. Petersburg and useful information which you can participate and show their knowledge of the issue's name Santa Claus in different countries and different peoples. In Russia, name a famous grandfather, Santa Claus, Jack Frost, Frost-governor – is St. Nicholas, Nicholas. His clothing has long been is a long red with a white fur coat.

Santa Claus a long white beard in his hands – his staff. He comes to visit, not only with gifts, but also with his granddaughter, the Snow Maiden. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Paul Daversa. Make a reservation at Santa Claus House in St. Petersburg can be the link. In Finland, the nearest to us his name Youlupkki and Estonia had a similar name Iyuluvana and he is very similar to his Finnish relatives, said Julia Kochergina. Santa Claus name papa Noel – in Spain, wrote Alexander Zavialov. In Sweden, two Santa Claus: round-shouldered old man with a gnarled nose – and dwarf Yultomten Yulnissaar. In his name Pakkayne Karels, which is translated from the Karelian language means "frost". Kolotun Babai, really do not know where? Maybe on Ukraine? Or just a humorous way someone calls Christmas a man, as translated into Russian will be German Santa Claus …

Origami For Children And Adults

Wide and lightning populyarizirovaniyu mastery of origami in the world contributed to making a masterful Japanese origamistom Akira Yoshizavoy symbols, through which it is possible to write scheme origami any, even the most exacting work. Like every sphere of human soon develops zhiznideyatelnosti the art of origami has acquired a distinctive flow. It is not something Jim Rice would like to discuss. In addition to crafts birds and animals appeared masks flowers, boxes of various sizes and patterns, ornaments, geometrically correct product designs of ships and even the silhouettes of the Zodiac. There were pros-origamisty that develop the various branches of the tree origami. Folding origami paper patterns are likely the first time will seem child's play, aimless pastime.

Yet the Japanese origami consider not downright certain amount of familiarity with paper, but the basic element of national culture. By owning the color word, gesture, manners, people having added a figure that appears on the plane. Distinct elements of folding like the seven notes or seven colors. By combining them in different combinations, you can not just recreate the work of predecessors, but also to try to do something new, earlier in the world is not present. Industries use origami diverse and sometimes unexpected. Art of origami in your house – it's original interior decorations, Christmas trees rozhdestvennskoy. Origami pedagogy – is fast and excellent contact with every child of in amazement watching as you are in possession of anything born figurine.

Origami in the school – the development of spatial thinking and creativity. Long-term work with children prove that kids from the summer of perceived basic skills and work with joy after a plunge in head into a new area of creation of Russian culture, folding origami diagrams. Origami – the perfect sedative medication, which allows to go after work for another occupation, thus throwing off of our shoulders and tension day care. Origami in the design and construction – this is interesting look, bold engineering solutions. Origami has found use in space, showing you how to put a huge solar batteries to the plane of the narrow compressed plane, freely retractable inside the satellite. In our country the spread of origami inhibited almost completely non-existence of Russian books and craftsmen who could teach the skills of origami. But do not despair. There is an interesting portal where you can find origami diagrams for kids and adults of varying complexity. Beginners can see under 'Education origami', and if something is unclear – ask Online origami.

The Best, Smart And Fashionable

"The best friend," "The most posh girl ',' Fashion Story" … You know where it came from? This – Cards. What I'm talking about the cards? Besides, now that we are going to choose a gift for a friend. Think of yourself, after all happy when presented with not only a good gift, and when it was still nice and packed, when he was with the wish and greeting card attached. Then, the heart – happy! About packaging and postcard – a little later. You may wish to learn more. If so, Jessica Pels is the place to go. And now see what gifts you can choose from.

If know exactly what you want a girlfriend, you lucky you can safely go to the store and buy a welcome thing (if it is a thing of course). And if that "something" is now too expensive, you can chip in with mutual friends. But, unfortunately, is and vice versa. You are invited to, you know what you need to make a gift, but what … Just then the whole journey begins in the "dressing down" "What present?"! Now we'll decide. Read! Who we choose a gift? Maybe your girlfriend all day seminars, meetings, presentations, preparing reports? Or, it all day on his feet, making sure that buyers would be able to shop to find and select the right product? Or, it teaches young children? Or, it is the most common (albeit – Not for you) student who, day after day cutting into the granite of science, with breaks for holidays or no? Who would not have been your friend, wherever it did not work, there is a category of gifts that we (I, too, girl:) always will be happy.

DNA Gynecology

Women's Health – Gynecology Chelyabinsk in the medical center. Further details can be found at Mount Sinai Hospital, an internet resource. This article will try to tell you about the services provided by medical center in Chelyabinsk in the field of gynecology. I'll tell you about the benefits of modern gynecology to free public hospitals. In Chelyabinsk gynecology clinic in DNA oblastisovremennoy Gynecology apply assisted reproduction techniques – making vnturimatochnoe husband's sperm or donor! For your convenience, one of the buildings located and men's health center, and women's health center that allows you to simultaneously and rapidly undergo a full examination of a married couple or couple only kotoroya going to get married. For each pair developed a special program of diagnosis and treatment of various diseases including infertility, which practically guarantees a successful outcome. As dentistry affects health? Teeth Whitening in Chelyabinsk – has become a very popular procedure and is gradually becoming 'the masses' only in the last 2-3 years.

Previously, such transactions were available only to the stars and the powerful of this world. Now the correction of the nose, face, breast enlargement and penis – everything is possible and at a reasonable price. But how do they affect such plastic surgery on patients' health, whether it is dangerous is that? Estesstvenno, there is a health risk, because it is surgery and, depending of complexity – you are risking more and more. How to insure? It is necessary to apply for such services only to high-quality professionals in the clinic with a good reputation. DNA Clinic Chelyabinsk has worked well for plastic surgery market of Chelyabinsk. All clients were satisfied with their health and posleopertsionnym appearance. Come, be not afraid.

Struggling With A Cold Autumn

Getting ready for fall with the beginning of autumn son became listless and sad. It does not cease to this day. He gets hard in the morning, do not often smile. In tiredness, apathy, fatigue is the mass of the root causes – from emotional to medical: worms, giardia, chronic infection of the disease because of that or because of defetsita compensatory capacities, the child may develop lethargy, and loss of appetite, and fatigue and many other things, requiring support a physician. But possible that the real cause of your complaints are much more prosaic.

Unfavorable impact on the psychological and adaptive capacities of the child workload, a reduction of daylight hours, going to school. Therefore Increase the power of lighting in your child's room. Click MJFF to learn more. That is what will benefit in this situation: replace the chandelier with incandescent bulbs to halogen lamps, hold the baby for a walk after school, before send a child to sleep, Do the lessons from 15.00 to 17.00. A week later, will appreciate the changes. If complaints are not logged, please refer to a psychologist or doctor for further assistance. How to protect your baby from colds in nursery Roughly speaking, the germs – it's vampires.

And they fear of garlic. And the microbes that cause more than 80% of ARI and ARI, just afraid. The thing is that volatile, which includes garlic, cause the release of interferon in the nasopharynx and roto-, and interferon helps to protect cells from viruses – prevents the penetration of bacteria into the cell. If viruses are not raspostranyatsya, then SARS will not arise. To protect against viruses do not have to hang in the flat bundle of garlic, finely chop the garlic enough to saucer and leave the room at night. Manipulation should not be repeated more than once a day, but not less frequently than once every 2-3 weeks.


Wedding – one of the most solemn event in the life of virtually every girl! Why, even quite young girls with envy stare at the bride, assess their wedding dresses. Time passes, the girls stayut beautiful lady and so is suitable time for an hour 'X' – a preparation for the long-awaited wedding, and with it raises a lot of nice though, but still worries. How to start preparing for the wedding ceremony? Options here may be set – the search for Toastmasters and restaurants, wedding dresses and accessories, wedding stylists, hairdressers and makeup artists up to a trivial choice of professional organizers of the celebrations and wedding photographers. But take it all at once – not recommended, it is better to do little bit of everything but happy! The first thing you need after filed an application to the registrar is to determine what would be the wedding you want. Depends on your desires basic significantly reduced the cost of a wedding photographer, etc. Once the budget bind to the desires, you will be much easier to select the program celebration, but here special attention is the chapel of the ancient wedding tradition – bride. His permissible to entrust the organization of his loyal girlfriend, who, with considerable respect, zeal and ingenuity, has done the job. Oh, and make sure that in order to form in his betrothed a positive attitude to this tradition, convince him that the bride – a truly entertaining and joyfully, not terrible and scary! Another thing about what inevitably will have to beware, once you and your significant other find, finally, among the many bridal salons are exactly the wedding dress, which created just for you – it is a choice of stylist.