Basic Health

This makes with that this more looks each time if to perfect and to search improvements for the patient and its proper work. Of this form, it is important that the worker of the health, mainly the nurse, apt and is enabled to take care of to the clientele in view of its problems and necessities in the field of the health. This sends in them to other areas that the nursing interacts, also the administration, therefore in the world contemporary, if needs a professional who has mind politics and that she has ability as an administrator. Today the leadership is being demanded for all company, whichever its nature, and the hospital companies are enclosed in this requirement. the nurse gains space in this direction, therefore its academic formation directs it for the exercise of manages in health, a time that, this professional has requirements to be a good administrator in the attention to the health, such as: leadership, confidence, responsibility, creativity, flexibility, ethics, integrity and honesty.

In this way, the presence of the nurse in the basic attention is distinguished here as being an enterprising professional in the context of public health, being this the most enabled to play a position of it commands for the leadership seen for the other professionals and the proper formation conceived for the institution to which consecrated to it as such profession. It is distinguished despite, the Health department developed the PSF, aiming at amongst others, to the promotion of the health; to offer to information the communities that are in risk situation, thus being able with decision and aid of the proper ones, to attenuate or to leave the risk picture completely (1). The nurse who acts in this program must have a leader paper, therefore the communitarian agents of health (ACS), as well as the assistant and/or technician of nursing are of its responsibility.