
Thus becoming the philosophy of queen of sciences to that it presents clear symptoms of autismo or serious psychotic riot. What we do not want. As I am not of the opinion nor of the generation that wants to be known as closed the dialogues and the form established in the memorandum of understanding of education and ticket of philosophy I act as a lawyer vehemently that the philosophy can have its necessity and still serve for something since that either convicta of that needs and for yesterday of if adjusting what is said today and using of its past to compose the gift and to think the future as make all other sciences in innumerable areas of knowing. Not of more sacralizar philosophers to keep unbroken its descontextualizadas teses and nor more to want purismo of speech. We have that forming in them and entering in the ingredient of the great cake that is the understanding of our reality giving not only palpites, but considering ways and plans that pass of a retoricidade for a good and aprazvel rhetoric, in more direct words, we have and we can be more active. Without this transformation, without this dolorida kafkiana metamorphosis (the approach with literature is an excellent way) we will be, of a time for all, descompensada and disarmed species for the world, in harder words: parts not so attractive of museum. It does not advance to give a F5 in the philosophy as it was, therefore the philosophy as before it has its days already all counted ones and our way is if to adapt as Arnaldo would say Antunes at inspired moment, who knows for the proper sensation that the philosophy, for what it represented and already made still can give some contribution, but since that she is new, what it has been seen for there since spring in Arabia until Brazil where a left each day more is accused with right. what we will say the respect? We will repeat Maquiavel or elaborate speeches that are without pretension to understand the reality all, but the multiple contexts surround that it? Now choice question is alone and I twist very so that philosophy does not turn a fossil stranger forgotten as lost link some age human being I twist very exactly!

Obesity And Infertility In Women

If you are overweight or obese is necessary to address the obesity problem of wanting to get pregnant before, at least reach a BMI of less than 29. Although weight loss is most convenient to help improve their fertility, is not unique. It must also be diagnosed by a doctor specialized in these cases. There are many diseases related to obesity and overweight women, who are directly involved with getting pregnant one of the possible problems that may occur include: polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and hypothyroidism up to Defects luteal phase or excessive estrogen. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a disease of the endocrine system leading to the development and growth of cysts in the ovaries.

To be able to accurately diagnose PCOS, women must submit, at least, two of the following symptoms: Irregular menstruation? Ovary elongated and larger, with cysts? Because androgen excess to high blood insulin levels, the ovaries release too much androgen and this could eventually lead to an excess facial hair growth, weight gain and infertility. Women with PCOS have an increased risk of developing diabetes and heart disease. Hypothyroidism is characterized by abnormal hormone production from the thyroid gland. Because their metabolism is regulated by the thyroid gland, this disease commonly causes people to gain weight and then they will be very difficult to lose excess weight gained in the past. This condition also causes their periods become irregular and sometimes it can disrupt or even clear ovulation. Luteal phase defect is a disease that is responsible to interrupt or disrupt the menstrual cycles of women and the proper development of the endometrium, which is vital for the woman in question could become pregnant. During the second half of a woman’s menstrual cycle, the corpus luteum will to produce progesterone to thicken the endometrium.

The luteal phase defects occur when this process is interrupted by two or more days. Progesterone levels are disrupted, resulting in abnormal menses. Women with asthma should be a medical consultation with a specialist to control your hormone levels. Estrogen Excess Estrogen is a sex hormone produced mainly in women’s reproductive organs. Since estrogen is produced by fat cells, women who are obese or overweight have higher amounts of estrogen in your system normal weight women. Excess estrogen may be caused by a variety of factors, which may include: Eating a diet rich in meat containing synthetic estrogen, dairy and packaged foods. It is recommended that obese women are treated first the weight problem either with nutritionists and specialists in weight reduction or performed Bariatric surgery or as to the weight loss is healthy and has no risks to get a successful fertility treatment.